I have given blood a million times in my life, but today I finished donating and was slurping down the juice and my head started swimming and falling all went black and next I knew I was lying on the floor with 3 nurses and my wife and I started to feel a little better but they moved to a cot in the broom closet (REALLY!!!!!!! the broom closet!!!!) and I was there awhile and then asked to go and my beautiful wife bought me lunch. I have never fainted before, but can't explain it. Before I gave blood, my BP was 120 something over 80 something, 1/2 hour after I fainted it had recovered up to 90 over 60. Wow! I wonder what it was when I hit the floor, like 10 over 9?
I am not a wimp, OH NO! This happened, remember, long after I was done with the needle...
(as for shoving me in the broom closet, I bet it is BAD FOR BUSINESS when people pass out after giving blood, and they know all the donors will leave!)
They probably also hate it when people scream when stuck with a needle, but we did not witness that.
Oh, my. So much drama when doing a simple good deed.
You did great sweetie, and I'm glad you're not supine and pale anymore.
That's why I don't give blood! ha!
Glad you're feeling better - wadya have for lunch???
Three nurses? So, I imagine this will become a regular occurrence, then? ;-)
Glad to hear you're up and about again.
Yikes! Glad to hear you are okay. Fainting is NO fun!
I fainted the first time I got out of bed after Hannah was born, but considering what I had just gone thru . . . (and it earned me an extra day in the hospital - definitely NO fun).
Maybe it was hot in the building??
I really don't have an explanation! If it happens again I won't give blood. We went to Ithaca's College Town Bagels and had extra delicious vegan yummies for lunch!
A picture of count v. count of sesame street? Ha, ha, ha! I LOVE it!
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