Yesterday I was talking about Toronto's Gardiner Museum, and Pam stopped in and commented! A Toronto potter and blogger, yippee! Pam, please feel free to go into comments and tell us more about yourself and your fine work, and everybody else can visit her blog and etsy shop and spend some money.
Oh great. More food for my addiction. ;)
Btw, yeah that was my orange mouth.
Wow. Pottery is such an amazing thing. It's deceptive, actually: it looks so simple to make, but it takes some amazing talent do it well.
society just doesn't get it does it gordo.. in this world of cheap knock offs and disposable.. that something crate "one off" by hand.. takes time and talent and creativity and desire and...
ok you get the idea and I know everyone that reads here does as well.. just had to state the obvious! :)
Just preachin' to the choir!
Wow - I don't view the blog for a day or two and I've got a whole lotta catchin' up to do!
And we're back! Unemployed again, so plenty of time to check out (and comment on!) blogs. Alas, no money to spend. :-( How come I never get laid off in spring?
Thanks for the kudos! Your blog looks pretty fine!
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