Tuesday, February 05, 2008

continued: broad and narrow and follies and FAT TUESDAY!

(pots by Gary Rith and a wine bottle with a cute monkey on it)

This little blue gem on the left with the elephant just came out of the warm kiln, it looks so good. You will notice the broad base on both with the narrow middles! It is, as I have said below, a folly--a pot with no particular use. Except that a person realizes that it is FAT TUESDAY, there is a bottle of cheap red with a cute monkey on it, and.....do the math. 2 folly pots, me and my wife plus cheap red equals.............

Me and the missus are going to try and give up cursing for Lent. Really. She is (MOM DON'T READ THIS) very good at combining both blasphemy and obscenity in creative ways....and I, well, I am an artist and a bohemian and I have a salty vocabulary. (This is where everybody laughs and places bets on how quickly we slip up.............)


Susan as Herself said...

Good luck with the lack of cursing. You have a stronger will than I do. I fear I will never give up my er---salty tongue.


Anonymous said...

40 days of no cursing??? damn...I mean darn, or shucks, or gee wiz.

I'll give ya 15 days.

Gordo said...

Really? You two &^&^@^@s curse a lot? I've been impressed byt he lack of damned cursing when we meet you for beers 'n' blasphemy down at the Brew Pub.

I'd be screwed if I was dumb enough to do this, so I'm doing be optimistic and bet on 30 days. :-)

It's fun being a Protestant. You don't have to go in for this Lenten *&#*&K@*&@#

Anonymous said...

we're prods too, Gord, which is why there is a certain levity here da#n it all...

Anonymous said...

If anyone bets me 5 waking hours I would win. 30 days?!? 15 days?!? You guys are taskmasters.

Anonymous said...

The Elephant is cleverly camouflaged in the pot :)

gary rith said...

thanks Joel!
hey, 4:30 am and I havn't sworn yet

Anonymous said...

I'll give you each until.. ohh.. until you wake up! (hee hee hee)

Nice follies there and red some red wine too! hmmm will you two be cursing about hangovers and a wild night?

Anonymous said...

4:30? am? Dude. I thought I was a partier.