OK, just before Christmas I had an email from a stranger asking for my glaze recipes, which I thought was Denis or Gord pulling my leg. NO. It was a real high school pottery student, and I said 'Yes Virginia, there may be a Santa Claus, but is it me?', meaning, you think I am gonna give away my glaze recipes? I'm not that nice. So, in blogging this and to preserve her identity, Virginia stuck. But her real name is Kayla and she is writing a book and has a blog now and she wants to share it with the world, and I think this young person is creative and fun, so check it out!
Oh, very cool! Gary, I swear the nuttiness amongst potters has GOT to be something in the glazes.
Very nice - we checked out her blog and read her 1st chapter.
mad as a potter.. the new saying for the "naughts"
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