^my 13 inch beagle, Penny, sleeping on my lab Buster's paw--she has not won any official awards, but she is wicked cute and sweet

^Penny's cousin Uno, a 15 inch beagle won Best in Show last night. This is, of course, bigger than the Giants winning the Super Bowl last week. Beagles have never won, despite their charm and cuteness. What you love about beagles is that they are DOGS, not puff balls like poodles or funny looking like pugs or vicious like some breeds. Just these nice, basic, loveable, easy to care for dogs.
did he win because of his tongue?
btw, what are you doing blogging at 3:33am! you should be sleeping at that hour!
..little Kelli the PUFFBALL...
woke up at 2:41 ready for the day and have gotten so much done..
Didn't think you could miss the Weestminster connection. Let's hear it for beagles AND English springer spaniels!
Yea, beagles! And Uno really knew how to work the crowd. The crowd cheered and he started "bugling". Just like his cousin, Penny.
I saw the beagle won on the news, and was very pleased. You can tell that Uno is a smarty-pants.
And of course Penny has all the same charm and adorableness.
no, she has MORE charm and adorableness
I'm so happy I'm teary!
i still can't get over how tiny she is.
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