Thursday, March 15, 2007

shark mug and bowl

(shark mug and bowl by Gary Rith)
On unrelated topics, I had a manual spammer comment in different spots for a weight loss product. I may change comments to non-anonymous or something. On the other hand, with 4 days of Van Halen, traffic here was waaay up, thanks to googlebots and VH fans.


Lucia said...

So, gr, what compelled you to make sharks?

Anonymous said...

I actually think you were out of the country 2 weeks ago, and Mona asked for a shark and I liked how it turned out, so now I turn them loose on the world, and perhaps as a message to spammers?

Mother of Invention said...

Man, those sharks need a Marine Orthodontist bad! Guess they have to wait till they're teenagers before they can give them braces, eh?

gary rith said...

Canadians are so cute (eh?).