Saturday, January 12, 2008

Goin' to the show

(WXRT Chicago was my favorite radio station 15 or so years ago when we lived in Chicago, and their movie reviews were 'Goin' to the show and I'm just a Regular Guy', and local dialect for movies and going to the movies was 'going to the show')
Me and the missus and pottersblog friend Kim are on our way to see 'Juno', rumored to be quite good. (oops, forgot to clean the house, oh well!) The screenwriter, Diablo Cody, is a former blogger and stripper from Minneapolis. Oh yes, 3-4 years ago I remember reading her blog, which was called a name not repeatable here on a family friendly blog, but let's say it is a word sometimes used with willow or as another name for a cat. Anyway, aside from the salacious side of life as a stripper, it was an interesting and intelligent blog. She had a degree, she had little in common with the other strippers at the club other than no clothes, and she later bought a house and, if I remember correctly, went to work as an office temp. Now we see Diablo Cody in Hollywood with a hit screenplay. Oh yes, blogging can take us places in life!


Gordo said...

Don't forget Canadian star, Ellen Page, Gary! She's as smart as anyone and funny as hell, too.

Mother of Invention said...

Interesting! At first I thought it said she got a job as the office tramp, instead of temp and T was thinking she sure used her previous skills well! LOL!

gary rith said...

Ellen Page deserves an OSCAR. Michael Cera is my HERO.

cm said...

He's Canadian, too. Just sayin'.

Anonymous said...

Diablo also wrote a book about her stripping experience. Came across is at a public library a year and a half ago. Not down here, I wouldn't though. Though in a smaller town a couple of hourse from here, apparently the most checked out books from the public library are bodice rippers.
And she is primarily a writer. Even while stripping. Only mentioning this because people strip or engage in life for different reasons. Not saying one is a more valid way of life or flavor of experience. All depends on the person.