Thursday, August 24, 2006

Jammed up blogger
Blogger and I are at each others’ throats this morning. I wonder if 75 million other bloggers are jamming in pictures of their puppies and what they had for dinner last night? I mean, can’t they stay out of my way, I’m doing something important here! Good thing I save first.
OK, went to Cognoscentea yesterday, so here is a plug. Good teashop on State St Ithaca, my work covers a whole window. Pictured below, link here.
Making today: well, you see the picture of the kiln opening below, it was a good firing and my dad was there when it opened and snapped this. You read about this stuff as I made it. Usually making a piece to firing a piece is only about a 3-4 day thing with me, pretty fast. A bit slower lately....
Got a message from one of my New Hampshire stores, that a bride’s new teaset had a broken sugar bowl (I didn’t do it) and could I replace it? Its a nice store, and I will make a replacement today and send it in a huge wad of packaging.
So, interesting stuff in the dreams dept. Mamabear and papabear were over yesterday, obviously keeping me from making a million mugs, but hey, the sun was out. Their dog Abby, pictured with me and the missus below, ran out across traffic on the state highway, and I tackled her behind somebody’s house. That flutter in my chest was NOT a heart attack, and I wonder if cats have 9 lives, how many does Abby have? She sure used up one yesterday, and all is well. Anyway, I dreamt of my college studio and dad was there working on a special ceramics project and then cleaning the place--it was a filthy studio as pottery studios usually are. My dad has become a watercolor painter of some note in recent years, which will merit its own post and pics another day.

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