Thursday, February 01, 2007

a long convuluted dream wherein...

OK, the background, my wife has been sneezing and coughing and has been making all that racket all night long in another room, while I sleep soundly apart. Nice of her to volunteer. So, half the dogs and cats with her, half with me, kind of a bachelor thing these last 2 nights.
So last night's dream, I was a high schooler and my parents got a house guest who was a swimsuit model, but for some reason my mom and dad were always around when she was, and it felt a little like being in the desert with an empty water bottle...


twilite said...

Hi gr! Hope your wife will recover from her sneezing and coughing soon. Nice photo of you both. Thanks for sharing yourself.

Enjoy that you made...from one living the other side of the globe.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, she is much better, just in time for a serious deep freeze outside.