Monday, December 18, 2006

Sammy and my 16th anniversary: not just another cute cat post

Sammy was my bachelor cat, and chose me for a human pet on December 18th, 1990. That's a long time ago!
Sammy had been left in a box overnight on a shelter's steps in Chicago with a bigger cat thumping his head in temps well below freezing. I lived on that street and stopped in one day to play with the shelter's kittens and Sammy jumped on my lap and began purring. He was a tiny fuzzball, all tail. I ran home and grabbed the checkbook, and on my return he again jumped in my lap and began to purr. He came home with me, but nearly died that weekend because of the little cat cold he had caught. I kept him cuddled next to me and warm, but he wouldn't eat or drink, and finally I poured water down his throat and began pushing turkey baby food into his mouth. He liked that, and has been healthy and happy since. A year later the woman who would become Mrs. Pottersblog stopped in, and sat down to play with him. He pranced around, crawled into her skirt and vomited. She passed his test with humor and grace, and we were married the following December.
I'm lucky Sammy, you're a great friend.


Lynnea said...

He's a beauty! I miss my cats. I had to leave them behind with my parents when I moved up here. My girl, Nefretiti, loved to sit on my lap and purr too. Hope you had a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

A most nice weekend and thanks for passing through Maggie!