Saturday, December 09, 2006

Good things in small packages

The generous and loving potter gives his wife a tiny little pot. She is most grateful and charmed.
Regina Spektor and 'Fidelity' for tunes o' the day--this is a totally DO NOT MISS VIDEO! WATCH IT!


Anonymous said...

wow! is that the smallest one you ever made? is it for sale?

Anonymous said...

You two are so cute! :-D

Kelly said...

Hi G and M! Nice to see you!

PS I thought I've been leaving you comments, but they don't seem to be showing up. It seems I've been leaving them with my Blogger identity, but since I went to beta blogger I should have been leaving them with that identity. Hopefully my identity crisis is resolved and this one shows up!

Anonymous said...

Welcome, Sunny K, this comment has arrived and it is quite welcome. Thank you celeste, and Big D, I can go smaller.
This picture cracks me up. It is a very tiny and inconsequential gift, and Mrs Pottersblog's face tells the story, despite my claims of generosity.

Lucia said...

What a lovely couple with a zippy camera and a cute li'l pot.

Thanks to you, I pulled out that ol' Jayhawks CD with Blue on it for a drive through Chicago to my bro's. My marido wasn't so thrilled. Dunno, he's not loving the Jayhawks.

gary rith said...

Maybe they need to hear MORE Jayhawks and LEARN to love them.