Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Slow motion action sequence sugar bowl

Making plates again Monday, a gift to myself (what are friends for after all?) and the phone rang and I grabbed a scrap of paper to record a message for my wife. There was an order on it (surprise!) for Maggie: a red sugar bowl and a red jar for a pound of coffee, both with hippos. How quickly I forget these things, and this was properly recorded and set on the, shall we say, business corner of the glazing table.
Then the phone rings and David Makar says he is coming over for the usual bawdy talk and local gossip, and to buy presents for his parents and grandmother. I needed a photographer, David filled in, so Maggie, here is your sugar bowl action photo sequence.
OK, Iggy Pop and 'Lust for life'. He's just a modern guy.


Lynnea said...

Oh I love the action shots! That's priceless. I loves me a good morning laugh.

Anonymous said...

Thank you. Stayy tuned later this week for the little dancing hippos on these jars.

Lynnea said...

I can't wait!