Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Toasty warm

Glaze firing here every third day usually; reached temperature around 2200 degrees last evening, cooled to 100 something and lid up around one pm, unloaded about 3 pm. There are orders here for Helen, and maybe Deb and Maggie too, plus other people I hope I have notes. You guessed it: opening the kiln is like Christmas morning.
Still making millions of piggy banks, lower pic is the before and after.


Anonymous said...

that's gotta be fun.. opening the kiln-present and seeing the work! huzzah!

Anonymous said...

Can you send some warmth this way? Stupid air goes on here every afternoon at 1 and I freeze. Mind you, today it's keeping me awake, but still...

gary rith said...

Huzzah! Well, you just HOPE there havn't been any little problems, like if you're baking: you don't want it over or under done.

cm-the studio is usually miserably cold, but when the kiln is on.

Lucia said...

Nice kiln! Are there ever any surprises in there?

Anonymous said...

The stuff today looks AWESOME.

Lynnea said...

Do the pieces come out the same size they went in? Or do they get a little smaller in the process? Just curious.

Anonymous said...

They lose maybe 8-12 percent of their size. For example, if I have to replace a lid on a fired piece, I have to estimate and make a new lid much larger, expecting it to shrink in the end and fit. Not very exact. I was trying to replace a lid today...
BTW-picture for you to look at Wednesday am, Maggie, a little cow.