Thursday, December 07, 2006

Jayhawks 'Blue'

OK, mug one here is a recent favorite of mine, pretty simple overall: cylinder with fluted gouges on the diagonal, 2 glazes. I am in the mood for a new mug for both myself and the world. The wet pot on the left is the reverse of a mug I have made often (not pictured), smaller at the bottom flaring up to the top with ridges all along. This guy is the opposite, fat base, narrower top.
Tunes o' the day 'Blue' from the Jayhawks. Just a perfect band, perfect sound, slightly odd video.


Lucia said...

Sigh...I enjoyed listening to that tune. But I think calling it a "slightly" odd video might be an understatement. What were they thinking?!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I kinda wish they had just gone with their own performance for the whole thing.