Sunday, November 11, 2007

this is AFTER I combed my hair

(Mr and Missus Potsblog go out on the town and Penny tries to keep us at home, or at least bring her with us)
So we went to a wedding last night. I have been to only about 7-8 weddings in my life more or less, as I tend to AVOID PEOPLE. The last wedding I went to was 15 years ago, my own, but we didn't really invite anybody other than the priest, so .....
Anyway, there is something about events and people that make me curl up into a ball of nerves I guess. I knocked over, yes I KNOCKED OVER the table of little bottles that were the souvenirs with table assignments. Gosh, none of them broke.
But, it was a beautiful wedding of great people, and just after the ceremony, you see why people attend weddings: the RECEPTION! And what a dinner and party it was, including a 15 piece fabulous reggae band. I mean, this band was huge, and great.
So, this all took place in the prettiest barn you can imagine up on Cayuga Lake as the sun set, there were hundreds of great people, a sweet wedding, and I was lucky to be there.
I am hopeful that the next wedding I go to is potsblog friend CELESTE's. (snickers heard throughout)


Anonymous said...

Lookin' good, potterman. Funny, too.

Gordo said...

Wow, a reggae band? Awesome.

You two are quite the couple. :-D

cm said...

You both clean up well. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Not just a reggae band, but a HUGE reggae band that sounded great.
I dunno, she looks good, I look like I wish I had on jeans and flannel shirt, and was STAYING HOME. But I was good, I said I'd go, and I did, and had fun.

Unknown said...

See, it doesn't really hurt, at least not THAT much. Glad you had a good time, and if I were your parent I'd be poppin' with pride, both of you looked wonderful and woweee! what a grand party that must have been.

Ellen said...

Ya Mon! I LOVE Reggae. Sounds like a wonderful party! Was the food Jamaican too? Like patties, and Red Stripe?

You and the Missus look great! You ought to comb your hair more often.

Anonymous said...

thanks all!

Mother of Invention said...

Hey, you guys look great all spiffed up! Weddings are interesting because each one is so unique. I can't count how many I've been to but likely at least 20.

Do you dance at weddings and to reggae?

Ellen said...

There is no better music to dance to than Reggae! I have been to a big deal Jamaican birthday party and they danced to Bob Marley for hours! It was awesome fun!

gary rith said...

I am not what you would call a dancer.

Anonymous said...

you make a good looking couple for sure!

if celeste ever gets married to someone other than me, well, i don't think i could ever visit your blog again.

gary rith said...

be careful what you wish for, D

David Makar said...

gr - thanks for joining us for our special day. We are so happy you were able to attend. See you soon.

Anonymous said...

denis, sweetie, you know I could never marry anyone but you.