Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Mary Lee and Celeste

(pots by Gary Rith)
Celeste has a friend with a black dog named, I believe, Morag. Morag is maybe a German shepherd/labrador cross, or something like that. The assignment: 3 bowls with Morag.
Mary Lee has suggested little spoon holders for the stove top, which I hadn't done in awhile. A plain little spoon rest is worth at most 30 seconds of work and cost maybe 3-5 bucks. Plus it is boring. Make it into an elephant and not only do you have fun, but it is suddenly worth ten bucks. Remember: this is not Wa!Mart.
The wife is hacking and wheezing, but alive and well. What an awful cold. We find that large amounts of grape juice and vitamins, including extra bs and cs is helpful.


Anonymous said...

very cool spoon rests there Mr Potter. You are right.. add an aminal to it and WHAM - 10x more fun! Love the pig one. Hope Mrs Pottersblog feels better soon!

Anonymous said...

umm does bs & cs mean something or am I just ...SLOW today? ;)

Anonymous said...

vitamin b and vitamin c
Thanks Greg!

Anonymous said...

Hi, long time no comments :)
Quick question for you, how long does it take you to deliver? Just asking because I'm going to be in NY in January and seeing as I can't get anything in Ireland would it be possible to get it delivered to the hotel when I get there, please please please?
I really like Mary Lee's idea, I really don't like cleaning up the gloop afterwards!
I hope that your wife gets better soon, plenty of rest and warm drinks!

Anonymous said...

It would be easy Sarah, given at least 2 weeks. I live about 200 miles north of NY city but my sister-in-law, 2 of them actually, live there and I bet they would be happy to bring somethng to your hotel. Thanks Sarah! Let me know!

Susan as Herself said...

I have always liked a good spoon rest. I have a pottery one someone made with a cat on the edge. Got it as a gifdt from my sister in Denver...

Hope the wife is feeling better!!!

Ellen said...

Spoon rests are a great idea! I make them sometimes with little flowers on them...

Anonymous said...

my own stove, of course, is covered with glop

Gordo said...

Shoemaker's children and all that, Gary? ;-)

Anonymous said...

oo now there's a reference I've not heard many a year!

gary rith said...

you're right Gord, unless it is broken I sell it!

Anonymous said...

Yay Morag! Looks just like her!