Celeste works for BIG CORP and they have just shut down employee access to facebook and blogs and the rest. You may find this hard to believe, but Celeste is actually Vice President for Employee Relations at BIG CORP, and I am wondering how this is affecting her day and mood.
Here at Potsblog, referred to sometimes as 'little corp', we have no such restrictions on our web use during the work week. The work week at little corp is 24/7, so I feel free to waste time as needed, which is obvious to anyone reading this blog. But what do our anti-corporate, anarcho-punk souls tell us about BIG CORP? Maybe time to find a new job, Celeste.
Nobody ever learns, do they? They shut off access to this stuff, becasue employees are "wasting company time" on personal stuff. Of course, they don't listen to any research about how employees need to blow off a bit of steam at work, it's good for productivity.
Completely agree with Gordo there. They usually can't keep ahead of IP blockers, new ones pop up all the time - so Celeste, google 'IP blocker' and you're sorted :)
The thing is, whether it is me working at home or you at your job, you work 45-60 minutes, take a break, then go back to work. Humans, as Gord points out, need to blow a little steam or at least think of something else for a minute, as long as your work is done at the end of the day! Slackers are slackers, facebook or no facebook. I guess they will have to revert to napping on their desks and making paper airplanes.
I probably shouldn't admit it, but once in a while, since my desk had me sitting with my back to the rest of my corporate world, (some strange architectural quirk) after a heavy lunch I'd manage guite a nice little nap sitting perfectly erect facing my computer. Of course, occasionally, the 'little' nap would run a bit longer and I'd come to face to face with the screen saver doing its thing -- a dead giveaway that I was doing nothing productive, except gather a bit of fresh strength to carry on. OH, and on those occasions, the chin on chest might have been a giveaway, as well.
does this mean no more celeste?! i already miss her :(
Celeste can also check out RSS readers. Every blog on the planet allows one to "subscribe" to a feed and read the posts through a non-browser program. Heck, I think Thunderbird will do it as well.
Proxy servers are a wonderful thing for escaping firewalls as well. That's how Chinese dissidents get around the Great Firewall. It's also how I trick the BBC's servers into thinking that I'm inside of England and entitled to watch their shows online. :-)
Mary Lee you're so naughty!
Gord, I wish I had a weekend and a notebook to pick your brain, I don't know anything about anything.
Here's the thing: Celeste will just have to either be sneaky or visit us after hours, and since CM also works for BIG CORP, I think we can guess she won't be around till later which is too bad, because they are both funny.
Laughing at ml... ;)
And yeah, that would make me look for another job. Plus, I don't care for places that are too BIG corp... :(
Gary, I don't know everything about anything, but I do know a bit about a whole lot. :-)
Check my IP, will ya? I should be showing as connecting through Uruguay.
gordo - what blocker do you use to get onto the English sites? I spent a few fruitless hours bashing about at it a while back and gave up :(
Look, I'm back in Kingston! :-D
celeste is still fuming. I've already got everything in google reader, and thankfully they haven't taken that away (yet, they have taken google docs (but left google pics, explain that)) so I can see what our dear host is posting, but I can't see any comments (or leave any of my own). Curiosity didn't disturb just the cat.
Lou, I'll dig up some info and post it over at my place. :-)
Sorry to hear about the latest from Cubical Farm Corp. I don't have the personality (or fortitude) to be able to live in that world and applaud those that do. But yet I am VERY happy to be able to access just about anything from work (yay academic inst).
thanks Gordo :)
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