Friday, February 16, 2007

13 comments in my absence

I am gone for a couple of hours, and return to find a gratifyingly large number of comments about boot mugs and unicorns. BR, by the way, and please tell him if you see him, gets the prize for 'NON POTTER MAKES THE CORRECT GUESS' about how the unicorn mug below was made.
OK, these Chippewas of mine are the model for the boot mugs below. Tough as nails, handmade in Wisconsin, waterproof. My mugs may be blue and purple though. This is a very odd direction, and I should remember to ignore Alan's ideas in the future.
As a matter of fact, there are many things to make this weekend and the lady of the house sez she will take many pics. Time to get back on track, back to making PIGS. Sunday marks the Chinese New Year....of the pig.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ahh, you give me too much credit, I simply read it at her page.