(mugs by Gary Rith
These guys are my first EVER sent overseas, EVER sent to Ireland. Louise bought them. Check out this convo with Mairead she put in her comments:
me: you totally should order mugs off Gary
they are the best and most beautiful mugs in the world
me: ever
mairead: they are GORGEOUS!
mairead: really gorgeous
me: arn’t they f*cking beautiful?
originals too like
he hasn’t made others like them
not that I’d mind
mairead: i know
me: but they’re like works of art and they look so god damn comfy!!
mairead: in their own right they are beautiful but its so much better that they are made by someone you know
and that no-one or nearly-no-one else has them
they are real ‘i love my coffe, it saves my life’ mugs alright [wink]
me: If it didn’t cost so much for shipping I’d buy all of my presents for people off Gary
mairead: but i don’t drink coffee, so i’ll be expecting a steaming refreshing cup of tea in them when i visit
yeah well i have been thinking for a while that i would like to order mugs from him
me: “saves my life’ mugs alright’…. you should post that comment
that’s brilliant
mairead: a mixture of supporting small businesses of people i know of, and the fact that i just really like his stuff
and the fact of being able to say to people who admire them
‘oh yes, they are lovely arent’ they, I ordered them online from this potter in the states..he makes lovley things’
we should post this conversation to gary
me: we could too
shall I?I’ll paste it into a comment on the mug post?
mairead: yeah go on
but be careful to leave out the earlier stuff
me: course I will! lol
and then Mary Lee adds:
5 Mary Lee
April 1, 2008 at 3:32 pm
Not to worry, Lou! The way Gary packs his things, they could go around the world, up to Katmandu, and back down again via yak and arrive in your house in perfect shape! Go for it.
You do pack very very well :-)
you want your friends to be happy
Gary, she's talked about little else for two days. I told her to print the picture and stick it ... in her wallet. ;-)
lol! isn't the internet funny - the conversation I was having thinking at the time that it was just a yack between us is now being read in potter land too! bizarre. For clarity sake, the 'earlier' Mairead mentions at the end, is just that we were bitching about someone that's annoying her, lol.
mugsmugsmugsmugsmugs... I can't wait!
Wow--- you cannot ask for a better testimonial than that.
I read it outloud with a brogue for extra effect. :)
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