You wake up one day and SURPRISE! You're forty. Then the years keep on tumbling away, and you're no longer 40, you're "in your 40s". I am a pretty damn youthful 42 going on 15, if you ask me.
I have noticed in recent years I am grumpy on and around my birthday, but I think I got that out of my system yesterday. On my 33rd birthday, I got a tiny little puppy, Buster, and last year, just after my birthday, I got Penny. Hard to top those for gifts!
The NY Post tells me that my year looks like this:
April 8, 2008 -- The promises you make to yourself on your birthday must be enough to stretch you creatively but they must also be reasonable and rational, otherwise you will fall short of your goals and wish you had made no promises at all. Focus on what you do best - you'll do it better than
ever this year.
And my old pal Gord reminds me that 42 is a very big year, the answer to everything.
Buddha's birthday is also April 8, and Robin Wright Penn was born on this exact day too, my twin from whom I was seperated at birth (are she and Sean splitsville? I thought I heard that).
Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!
What a good idea-Announcing it on a blog is even better than sending out an eMail to everyone I know telling them it is all my birthday. What can I say, I celebrate for at least a couple of weeks and....
glac you got the grumps out of your system though.
yeah, what is about 40? and in your 40s?
no, not there yet, was just pondering it this morning though
oh, you're a young pup, are you then Deborah?
it is early and already I am being spoiled
Happy Birthday, Gary!
How did you a get that photo of me in my bikini holding your cake?
Happy Birthday, Gary! Have a wonderful day. :-)
enjoy your special day, u olde fart!
hey, shouldn't you be having grey hairs and wrinkles by now?! that's not fair!
Denis, it should be noted, is substantialy older than me. At least a year.
Well Mona, ah, thanks! Thanks Lis, too!
When I first started here, I played on the Astronomy student softball team. I chose 42 for my jersey number. Only one of them had any clue that it was "the answer". Sigh.
I was going to wear my jersey in your honour today, Gary. But, it's in teh dirty laundry and i didn't get that deeply into the pile last night. Have a good one, my friend.
thanks bud!
Hippo Birdie, Potterman! Have a glorious day!
I'm with Gord and the answer and intend to alternate between 40 and 42 for as long as I can possibly get away with it.
Deborah, don't listen to the grumpy old men: 40 is fabulous! Trust me.
awwww mannnnn... cm took my tradition birdies and hippos... (good thing she has such pretty painted toes)
Many happy felicitations and salutations of the day!
you may become wiser, but never as old as I...
for he's a jolly good fellow...
Happy Birthday Gary! I'm singing it loudly in my head for you, lol, the aul voice wouldn't manage it yet!
Hoppy Birthday Gary! (think frogs- or bunnies, or even grasshoppers)
I hope you have a wonderful day.
Happy Birthday!
Men seems to only get better with age. Like wine.
Happy Birfday Gary! May the cake contain a stripper... or two. ;)
Happy, happy birthday
from all of us to you
we wish it was our birthday
so we could party, too!
42 isn't so bad, at least not so far!
Hey! Happy Birthday!!!
40! I remember it well! ha! The 40's were great years, the 50's ain't so bad either!
Have a wonderful, happy, sunshiny day!
Happy birthday old sport (emphasis on old). Actually, old's okay North Americans worry too much about age it seems to me.
Happy Happy B-day - a little late.
I like what Knight said, verry wise--older men and wine get better! Jut look at Paul Newman and Clint Eastwood.
I like the hippo birdy idea! No grumps allowed!
Thanks everybody!
Happy birthday Gary. Keep on truckin.
what a long strange trip its been!
42?? That's it???? Hell, I think I have a pair of sneakers in my closet that are older than you!
Have a good one, kiddo.....
um, I think those sneakers are a little, um, smelly Debi....
but thanks!
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