Corner of Cayuga and State Ithaca, NY, Lost Dog Lounge and ChaNticleer Bar and ME IN BOOTH 13 for Ithaca Festival.
OK, this makes it easy for all of you to find me Friday and Saturday afternoons. Fill your wallet with cash and come shopping and pray for nice weather. I DID just find 7 four-leaf clovers while walking the dog, so perhaps that bodes well.
THE REST OF YOU: Let's have a gabfest. I don't know when I can post between now and Sunday. The most comments a single post has ever rec'd is about 21 or so, so go bananas. Write what you want, discuss stuff, bonus for TIKI and PIGGY comments and links, and as always, keep it family friendly so my mom and dad aren't offended. Or anybody else. Like a tennis ball, I am asking Greg, Gord, CM to get the ball rolling....
First! Whoo!
I need a big green tiki mug. See two posts lower for more detail.
Well. That's exciting.
Have a great showing at the fest and sell your butt off!!!
Tiki sales suggestion: Use a very large colorful mug yourself, and drink beverages out of it all day. Be sure to garnish with brightly colored flowers, umbrellas, etc. People will want a piece o' the action, trust me!!! ;)
Here's a nice odd and random comment: Tiki always reminds me of that Brady Bunch special when they went to Hawaii and Bobby (I think it was Bobby) found that little tiki head he wore around his neck and then the family started having all kinds of weird bad luck that he thought was from a curse on the tiki head. (It was a tiki head right?)
Anyways, little Brady Bunch memory for ya there. Talk amongst yourselves...
and to continue the free form... once did a show with the guy (Barry Williams) who played Greg Brady. Lots of wonderful 'back stage" stories from his Brady Bunch Days heheheh
Ooh so Greg is it true that there were romances between the mom and Greg?
Or was that the Partridge Family rumor?
Those Tiki Mugs look like me on a "Mom-Rant"...maybe you should market them that way, perhaps etch, "Because I SAID SO!" on the back of the mug, sell them to harried and hurried moms. Or to their kids who know they've been bad.
My tiki mugs come with a GOOD LUCK GUARENTEE.
I had a thing for Marcia Brady when I was in elementary school. (here he goes again...) Then I saw her in the flesh when I was 13! I was not disappointed....
Susan, you are of course correct, a person should always sit there using their product.
I have, btw, done about 160 shows and street fairs, I just don't do many any more. Have I mentioned that the weather better be good?
btw, well done CM, well done--also, tomorrow at gen x is yours for the taking...
well, Alan, considering I see you about every second month, perhaps....??? You will get your mug?
Yay! It's the little things that give us pleasure. Good luck with the show. Sell lots!
When you guys speak of 'tiki' I'm drawn back to 'The Kon-Tiki Expedition' by Thor Heyerdahl. I had to pull the book down from the bookcase to check the spelling, leaved through, opened it up at the first page, and now I'm hooked all over again. Thanks! Leastways, I think so. Happy selling, Gary!
Oh yeah, 'Kon-Tiki' is the absolute BIBLE for the Tiki crowd.
Look at this: a veritable rogues gallery of all the best and brightest bloggers out there!!! I am so pleased ::blush::.
a rogues gallery it be fer sure. What roguish person shouldn't be out in their (sail)boat this weekend relaxing and reading their kon-tiki while sipping from one of your mugs !
well, yes, that is the idea....
So are greg and our host both grs? That could get confusing.
Ignore Grego, who knows what he is talking about?
Listen CM, we need youto offer tunes, are you up for it?
It'll take some digging, as I've already given you the best of the lot, but Crystal Gayle and the Muppets are always handy in a pinch. And, for the die-hard Muppet fans in our midst, I present the Kermitage, your complete guide to the original series.
Hey remember 'Wilson' the volleyball tiki head from Cast Away with Tom Hanks! (do I get a bonus???) ha!
Good luck, Gary. Can't make it up, but have fun, take pics, and share them.
Long time no check in. Best of luck! Have a blast! Go get famous!
Hope you sell it all!
Another video to get us started on this stinkin' hot (at least here in the big smoke) Friday morning. The Waterboys and Fisherman's Blues. Whoo-hoo-hoo.
What! No new posts? What a way to run a railroad.
OOPS!... that supposed to br .. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
silly me
I hope that's lucky booth 13.
Alan, he's left the inmates to run the asylum.
badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger
hee hee hee fiddle dee dee!
Great job on the song CM!
And it's stinking hot here in NY too!
Thanks, kate & jim.
Greg, don't make me slap you.
We know it's not Sunday...BUT. Since CM is the host. Could we request...Groovin On a Sunday Afternoon???
Gary asked for what I'm listening to, and since I heard this on the radio this morning...plus the critters fit with the general theme of this place.
Meanwhile, I'll see if I can fulfill the request.
And it may not be easy, as a youtube search resulted in "No Videos found for 'grooving on a sunday afternoon'".
Ta da!
That'll have to do you the day, as while our host is out selling, I'm off shopping. Talk amongst yourselves.
Nice - so nice. Thanks CM.
I see my Greg filter didn't do well. Could we call him the chief inmate?
CM-most impressive. I shake my head and wonder. This blog is fun, but a whole lot more fun with the contributions of you nice visitors!
Don't let us inmates run the asylum!
gibber gibber gibber
back to designing/making a set of stocks...
that anti-greg filter doesn't work very well....
I always come to late to the party! UGH! One of these days I am going to find out soon enough to get myself to a show. My fault. I've been horrible at keeping up with my favorite bloggers. Busy. Busy. Yes. I can always come up with a lame excuse!
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