Tuesday, May 29, 2007

dozens of COMMENTS!


Hey, I just noticed all these comments! The automatic thingy that sends them to me is malfunctioning, and people have been commenting all over. Oh man, what to do?
Well, thanks Lucia, Lou, Gordo, CM, Greg, MOI, Kate and Jim, Mona etc: but I am just catching up.
Um, sorry, no pics of the potato salad available, and found three more four-leaf clovers walking this morning, bringing the total in the last five-six years to 301 found. Gordo, 10 is somebody's four-leaf clover record? At 28 I think I deserve a prize...


Anonymous said...

testing, one two

Gordo said...

Gary, I meant 10 leaves on one clover ... :-D

gary rith said...

Oh! I found one with seven leaves once. Not bad. I keep them all under 'clover' pressed in the dictionary. The dictionary is not used for anything else anymore.