Sunday, May 13, 2007


OK, tunes o' the day from The Beastie Boys, 'Whatcha Want'. I woke up yesterday in the mood for some Beasties, and pulled this up. Beastie Boy videos have been pulled off you tube daily, but people keep putting them up, bless them. I decided yesterday to take the bull by the horns, and went with the wife to Borders, to finally get the Beastie Boys greatest hits AND DVD!!!! All 15 of their videos! Including Sabotage!!! The missus sez 'hey, let me get this for you for Father's day'. Nice. What a woman! She shall be spoiled today, oh yes, and after Father's day it will be all Beasties, all the time....
Which brings us to Animal from the Muppet Show. The maniacal drummer. Maybe I don't want to be Oscar the Grouch or Ernie, maybe I want to be ANIMAL.

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