Saturday, March 08, 2008

Who is the worst president EVER?

Who would you say? Hoover, Milliard Fillmore, Franklin Pierce from our old town of Hillsboro, NH? Nixon? Reagun? Bush 39? Then there's Bush 41: a reckless war or two, New Orleans swamped, tax the poor and give to the rich, heck, maybe even 4 dollar a gallon gas by the time he leaves office. Today's veto rivals his veto of medical insurance for poor children: W. vetoes a congressional ban on torture. Yay! I bet the rest of the world respects us a little more today!


Anonymous said...

Hummmmmm....are we voting on this? ;)

Anonymous said...

Ford? He wasn't all that good either. Chester A. Arthur? What did he do?

Unknown said...

But then along came "Tricky Dick".

gary rith said...

Nixon was no prize, was he?

Anonymous said...

ok.. might it be easier to ask.. who DID people like??? ;)

and up here Harper still isn't doing much of anything apparently for the Trenton woman in the Mexican jail for past 2 yrs!!