(our elderly black lab Jack in back of the house, the front of the purple house, and Jack, Penny and Buster in the side yard)
At least my dogs LOVE snow. My wife says "isn't it pretty?" and I say "yeah, on December 23!".
OK, enough with the complaining, my parent's little hilltop got more than twice as much.
Oh, Gary! I'm so sorry. Yeesh. I hope you have enough good Scotch to see you through?
let's say we are prepared
it'll melt fast enough :)
Maybe throw some of the scorch ON the snow for the melting properties.
Wait---what am I saying???!!!!
I've got a full bottle here, Gary! although, not Scotch, but Absolut will always suffice! ha!
Susan....if he drinks enough of the Scotch, he won't even notice the snow anymore! hahaha!
what snow??????????
You do seem to have had way more than your fair share of the white stuff, Gary. Bitter, drear weather is however one of the main reasons the old guys invented Scotch. Cheers!
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