Triphammer Falls in the middle of the Cornell campus. The little Fall Creek behind my house becomes this huge roaring Niagara type thing in Ithaca. Ithaca and Cornell have many gorges going through campus and town. There you are walking on the sidewalk, and suddenly you see a drop of 400 feet in front of you!
I think this is a defunct hydro plant alongside the falls, everything coated in ice.
(Martha Gioumousis and Katie Sullivan at the Cornell Pot Shop)
So, as I have said recently, I have a Monday afternoon non-credit ceramics class at Cornell, learning all these bits and pieces. Yesterday Julie was showing how to pull a handle off a pot, and Katie here, the mathematician, showed how to make a herringbone pattern on a pot bottom, and Martha how to make a huge ovoid planter.
sounds like a fun time as usual there. I had forgotten where you were yesterday and was wondering why it was so quiet in the universe.
Are those some of your wares there at the front edge of the table?
well yes, yes they are mine! funny how my work made it to the front of this picture....
Funny that. I like the green too, Gary.
Ovoid sounds like a word one shouldn't use in mixed company, though .. LOL
Gordo! You are just too old-fashioned. But it does tend to make one titter, doesn't it? Or maybe I'm old-fashioned, too?
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