Sunday, March 02, 2008

La Dolce Vita

Me and the missus went to 'La Dolce Vita' for a huge dose of classic Fellini and decadent Eurotrash party animals. Hard to believe, but Paris Hilton is just another in a long and historic line of useless quasi-celebs trailed by paparazzi, and THIS is actually the movie that invented the term paparazzi.
3 plus hours. Moody. Hipster. Surreal. Manic. Anita Ekberg and Marcello Mastianni and the many other actors passing through are all quite elegant and luscious looking.

1 comment:

Mona Buonanotte said...

Oh yeah! I rented this movie a few months ago, it was beautiful and haunting. I'd much rather be rich than famous, that's fer sure.