Sunday, July 08, 2007


(group of porringers by Gary Rith and historic piece)
Porringer is a bowl with a handle. I made some pretty nice copies.


cm said...

And is there a direct relationship between it and porridge, or did you just make that up earlier? Also, do you put a shot of whiskey on your porridge? And, while you're at it, why is the sky blue (well, when it isn't black like it is here now)?

Anonymous said...

Keep scrolling down, your bowls are lower....
porringer=porridge bowl!

Anonymous said...

very nice and the handles look just like the orig. How are they to hold while scooping up some nice thick porridge or stew? I guess I better get to work on some spoons!

Ellen said...

OH! VERY nice! You are very good at these antique replications. I bow to your expertise! Love the blue too!

Anonymous said...

Considering the fact that I'm not a big fan of the color blue, these are actually very nice. I would even consider purchasing a couple...if it looks like this in real life. :)

gary rith said...

That is not such a great photo. They look better in person!
Thanks all!