(unglazed pots by Gary Rith)
OK, coffee in system, let's go:
Number one: my old pal Greg tells me that because some old pots were only glazed inside and around the rim, maybe I should try that on historic pieces. Most functional potters, me included, say 'no way'! You glaze the whole thing. In the case of the greenware, I have dumped clear over the whole piece, and green around the top. Alright, I'll do as he says and try historic pieces made in the same way they were 300 plus years ago. You see, it was faster to partly glaze a piece, and cheaper, so for peasant utilitarian pots, that was what they did.
Number two: you see yorkie pots being glazed up there. They better look good when fired.
Number 3: cheap and simple cameras, you turn them on, point, shoot. My new camera is not so simple--you have to kinda fiddle with the laser guided focus. Ah HA! Hopefully better focused pics in the future.
1 comment:
lookin' good gary and it'll be a very interesting experiment! I kow I'll enjoy trying them out :)
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