No doubt you would say 'well, the pottery of course, but also the tunes of the day', to which you would add 'but I really like the cute pet pictures, like Jack here, and the mundane details of your life, like your tomato plants! Basil looks good too!'.
My tomatos are spoiled. It was in the 30s and frosty last night, but my plants slept in the cozy studio, near the warm kiln, and they go out into the sun later. In case you didn't know, they are patio tomatos, so they are stubby little things that stay in their pot.
Wow, tomatoes on the vine already. It's been positively frosty here overnight recently. Dad hasn't put his tomatoes in yet.
Personally, I don't see anything wrong with babying your fruiting plants. You get better crops that way.
Those aren't really your tomatoes, are they? It's too early for them to be out! But if they are...you have the greenest thumb, forefinger, and pinkie of anyone I know!
Well you see, that is the secret. They are my plants, and they are a tough little tomato intended to grow up to about 2 feet tall, always living in a pot. SO, you can get a very early start, and mine live in the comfy and toasty studio, except in nice weather, when they go out. I am hoping to put them out for good in another week or two, but still in the pot on the deck: NO SLUGS that way.
Yes, yes, of course. Cute pet pics. (It helps to have cute pets.) And tomatoes! I'm so envious! I've just got little shrimpy plants and can hardly wait to see those green tomatoes.
and hopefully RED tomatoes later
Those are amazing plants. I hope mine grow as well. What do you feed them?
I love the pics, and the mundane details too. And home grown herbs and tomatoes--Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm. I am jealous. I had a caprese salad for lunch and if they'd been home grown tomatoes it would have been even better...
I think it is the toasty hot studio, I just water them.
They're GREEN tomato's Gary. GREEN, I tell ya! And they're NEVER gonna turn RED! :)
And I'm not allowed to look at anymore cute little doggie pics! ha! They're just too adorable.
Good luck with the show...are you all prepared with your pots and things?
Aw man! Now we all have to go out and buy a kiln just so our tomatoes can stay toasty and bear early tomats!!
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