Home and studio of Mr and Mrs Potsblog--I was noticing that thanks to my gardening efforts the place is looking rather good. I was about to cut the grass and all those attractive yellow dandelions, but wanted a picture or two first. I have said that pansies and violas are my gardening friends, and you can see them all around. Please note the large amount of chips and lack of weeds around the hostas. Yep. Me.
That looks great, Gary!
My Mom has a picture of a naked me at about 2 years having a bath in a washtub of that sort at my Grandparents' cottage.
I'm still living in hope
that, one day, we'll have a timber house again instead of this boring brick estate thing. I'd love a purple house... :-)
Geez, Gordo, and now you're six foot three!
Yes, John, it is very bright. people use it as a landmark: 'oh, we live next to the purple house' or 'we live one mile past the purple house'
You can never paint it any other color!
It's the Victoria Day long weekend here and we just do a planting festival all weekend! No cottaging for us!
well, we might dampen down the brightness when repainting time cmes...
have a very good one MOI and all of you!
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