(pots and hedgehogs by Gary Rith and Emily the cat in motion)
I really don't know what hedgehogs are and at the moment I don't care. Mrs Potsblog brought home a hellacious cold, and I was thinking of crawling into bed for awhile with a chocolate bar.
I think the hedgehog bowls will look good, and later I shall make more!
Drink lots of fluids and nap with a beagle. Works every time. :)
X__nap with beagle
X___ lots of fluids
____finish cups and bowls
2 out of 3 ain't bad....
The cups and bowls sound like a prickly prospect ... ;-)
hey gordo! stop hogging the puns and hedging what you really mean ;)
LOL ... Someone had to say it ...
__X__ finish cups and bowls
__X__ install BAD JOKE and PUN filter
My work here is done ...
My Uncle calls if the Campbell curse. I prefer to look upon it as a gift. :-)
Your cat pic looks just like one of our kittys. (we have 3 now).
As per the cold - try some hot tea with a shot (or two) of Amaretto and a slice of lemon! Yum, and you'll sleep like a dog! :)
a gift!
Kate and Jim, I tried some jalapeno beer and whoowhee!!
Clear as a bell, but I shall remember your excellent suggestion.
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