My Mutts comics email of the day sent this. Pretty timely.
I spent Sunday cleaning the house--I am always cleaning the house, aren't I? I have also mastered gardenings' secret: weeding and watering! That's all there is to it! Except it is back breaking work too. I will try to fiddle with the garden every week so it isn't such a mess, but I am most proud: the plants that should be there are there, surrounded by wood chips. Good boy, Gary. Gorgeous weekend.
But I have so much glazing and throwing to do too...
Dad tells me that's the trick: regular attention. If you don't keep on top of things, a garden will get out of hand very quickly.
Same with floors. It's that time of year again, and mine got done yesterday. Swept and scrubbed.
So Gord, I think I should weed every week after cutting the grass. The thing is, spring weeding in soft ground with smll weeds is easy, but if I don't keep up, they all get big and tough and opinionated.
SMALL, and yes CM, floors are not a glamorous project, but one must do them anyway.
Therein lies the trick, Gary, Stay on top of them and they don't get big.
subjugate them, oppress them, keep them downtrodden and there'll be no problems weeding out the trouble makers and dissenters!
oh ...wait... this isn't the political forum????
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