(some handles to go with some cups by Gary Rith)
I was thinking, 'who cares if I have a cold, what my pets are doing, what I am making? How immodest to sit around blabbing all the time.'
I have noticed two things. My favorite blogger is a secret blogger, and has a subscription list of 3-4 people, no comments allowed, even this person's other friends don't know they blog about them. They write it just to write, and share with a couple of people. On the other hand, a very good writer and blogger I know actively visits a million other blogs, and comments at those, which helps guarantee visits. That seems to be the easiest way to increase your own traffic, go to others, but lord, it is exhausting, or is it?
Why do I blog? Well, reading others is so much fun, and blabbing here is also fun, and the visitors (YOU) are especially fun. As a business tool, about 75 plus different items have sold thanks to the blog, in six months, but more than that, it keeps me on my toes. I cannot slack with everybody watching, I have to MAKE MORE, just as my instructor Jane said, and Dean when I was his apprentice.
So, frankly, it is fun reading blogs, writing this one, interacting with nice visitors, and I dman well better get back to work and attach those handles blah blah blah
An interesting counter to your previous post of why we read potsblog.
I don't have the time to read all the blogs I would need to to bring up my visitorship. I have a few dozen and I'm happy with that.
I'm a natural show-off, so sharing with some folks what I'm up to is fun. I still don't know why people read my drek, though .. LOL
I enjoy coming here for the friendship and a to take a short break from life. I go to ones like gordo cause it's kinda like an accident - can't look away! (just kidding).
I think there are as many reasons as there are people who blog. Bottom line - are you happy?
'dman'! I thought I ran spell check there.
Yeah, I am happy, and it is also interesting to note, cm, greg, gordo, how different the 4 of us are but how nice it is to joke around online together, AND I have met you guys. That is a genuine 'who'd a thunk it?'
Much appreciated, btw, NOW, back to bed with my beagle and a magazine (rule number one about working at home: you can't go home sick, so you work)(rule number two: then you knock off early)
gordo, your drek makes our lives exciting by comparison. ;-) Plus you have bunnies!
Shouldn't you be in bed rather than thinking deep thoughts?
I doubt if I am very deep, and bunnies are always a plus in any blog. A proven fact!
More bunnies!
But not literally here, we might be at capacity and we have to make sure everyone is happy and well-adjusted or warped and happy, or at least happy or oh well, you get the idea.
I hesitate to say it, but bunnies are WAY better than unicorns. ;-)
Geez, gordo, I thought we were done with the frickin' unicorns.
I know, unicorns are the worst!
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