Beagles are docile and friendly, and have wicked good noses. They are also small and cute, and do not scare travelers. Therefore, US airports and border patrols use them for locating plants, or foods etc in luggage from other countries. The Beagle Brigade.
I met a very nice beagle at Pearson airport in Toronto on our last return from Cuba. I love watching the dogs work, they appear to be having a great time.
you have them too!
A cute little beagle once tagged me in Montreal for bringing food in my bag. Only, I had no food! I worked in an Italian restaurant at the time, and it seems my handbag smelled like food to the dog, and it took all my convincing to the security lady to clue her in that I did not have any roots or tubers or fruits or meats.
A co-worker's father got busted by a beagle for having a banana in his carry-on.
yeah, my sister-in-law had an orange, but she thought the little beagle in a jacket was cute!
Really, they don't let you take food anymore? Um, planes don't offer meals. Have been out of circulation this long?
But the beagles rock. Btw, are you guys as hot down there as we are up here? over 90 F! And sticky icky icky. (Although it does beat all that snow)
Funny the few times I've traveled in the States I've not seen any dogs. :-)
btw I love your hedgehogs.
Thanks to Bonnie! I have heard of the beagles at airports, but not seen them myself. I guess you have o eat your food before you land?
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