"....On another note when I was over at potter’s blog yesterday I saw a yellow tea pot which reminded me for some reason of the one I had as a child, do you have one of these"
Well, Sarah, I don't make anything like that, but it sure is funny. People love to make teapots into all kinds of things, and I especially like to have fun. In this case, a typical Brown Betty shakes off the old-fashioned look and puts on a funny costume.
HA! I got firsties over at Johns!!
Oh, that is very grown up of you....
hahaha Lou!!!
Thanks for replying Gary :) I loved that yellow teapot when I was a kid, there was little funny men that went in it (look big yellow teapot up on eBay and you'll see the other pictures) they they could use the spout as a slide and everything,I remember it like yesterday but it was 20 years ago (for me that's so scary!!)
Sarah, wait until you can remember 30 years ago. Not that I can or anything, but I know of people who can.
Both those chubby teapots are cute!!!
CM, I've 'heard' of some people that can remember 40-50 yrs ago...I don't know who they are, but I've heard it's true. lol!
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