So in other news, I was down in the basement yesterday mixing glazes. Whereas the studio itself was very cold, outside temps having gone down to 27 overnight and me running the fan to pull fumes away from the kiln (and pulling the heat out of the room in the morning too) the basement was very warm and pleasant. Just like in June, when outside it was nearly 100 and I mixed glazes in the basement--nice and cool then.
Anyway, this mouse, or one of his friends or relatives, ran by me, quite slowly. I grabbed him, gave him a lecture, and showed him a nice place in the woods where he could take up residence. Mice are on the move when the first cold of the year hits, I just don't need them inside my very old house, which has a million entrances for small rodents. Good thing we have 2 attack cats. And an attack beagle.
maybe look at it this way gary.. if mice and other animals stayed away from your home.. that might insinuate that they feel it's not a good & habitable place! (cats notwithstanding)
they're being complimentary!
sure, so let me send some your way mister
may i borrow one of your attack cats for the cabin? i promise s/he will not go hungry.
Wish I could properly picture for you the confrontation one morning in my living room. I'd been sitting with my front door open to catch a lovely cool breeze and suddenly something caught my attention. There on its back legs sat a chipmunk, with an unmistakable 'oops' look, while here, right beside me sat Bella Cat gazing, frozen, back at it. I don't think anybody breathed. The standoff lasted several minutes, with nobody moving and then the chippie turned and exited quietly and a lovely little vignette was over.
Gary, you should invite a weasel over. We have one around the cottage and haven't seen a sign of any mice since the Spring. :-D
yeah, but then you have a weasel!
I am sure, ML, that the chipmunk was very lucky.
I know a few weasels I could send your way.
gord gord gord... don't be so hard on yourself! ;)
I was out feeding the birds on Sunday and saw a tiny little grey mouse come out from under the porch and sneak some bird seed.
I hope he stays out under the porch---otherwise I will have to do an attack cat impression. :)
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