Monday, October 29, 2007

Goblets with hippos by Gary Rith.


Gordo said...

Just when I was afraid you were going for conventional, you shove a hippo in there. Excellent, Gary!

gary rith said...

Well mannered hippos are welcome everywhere, Gord

Susan as Herself said...

I would like to make some sort of translucent jello in those goblets, so you could look at the hippo while you eat it.

Ellen said...

Someone made a mug with a frog in the bottom of it for my son when he was little. He LOVED finding that frog at the bottom of his hot chocolate. Adults finding a hippo at the end of the wine may or may not be as amused as my son was. I guess it depends on which goblet they are on...the first, second, third...

Anonymous said...

yeah, Ellen, I make them at the bottom of mugs too, this is the first goblets--frogs, pigs, the usual stuff, and Susan,that is brilliant